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Online booking

When making an appointment for the first time,   please only book the individual appointment. Further appointments will be decided after the first appointment. You can decide whether you want to make the appointment by phone or at my place. 


The times given are only guidelines. The energetic healing lasts as long as it is necessary. Healing steps 1 and 2 usually last 30 minutes. However, due to the system, it will be 45 minutes, inclusive. Pre and post processing, blocked.

Payment is made before the appointment:

Account details are DE74 2555 1480 0313 8632 19 Sparkasse Schaumburg Cornelius van Lessen.


If you need an invoice, please indicate this when booking.

Before the appointment, you don't have to prepare anything. The energetic treatment is intuitive. No promises of healing are made. Because this is forbidden by law.


Bookings must be canceled three working days before the date at the latest, otherwise the entire amount will be due. A period of 14 days applies to courses and seminars. 

Bei Fragen, TERMINBUCHUNGEN und sonstigen Anliegen steht dir Nicola telefonisch zu ihren Sprechzeiten

unter Tel. 0175 3313759 zur Verfügung.

Die nächsten Sprechzeiten sind:


Di, 21. Januar: 17 bis 18 Uhr

Do, 23. Januar: 12 bis 13 Uhr

Bei Fragen und Anliegen


wende dich an Nelly unter:

Online booking


Online booking


Online booking



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